
The average adult human body is made up of 60% water. This makes me think it’s fairly important.

It’s found all over the body – in tissues, organs and in various fluid systems. It helps deliver nutrients and energy to our muscles and gets waste products out of our system. Without it you’re going to suffer.

How much do you need to drink?

You’ve heard about drinking 2 litres of water a day, or eight glasses, or when you’re thirsty or before you get thirsty – there are many rules and it can be confusing. To add to the confusion, there’s also the question of what counts? Does it have to be 2 litres of water, or does fruit juice count, tea, coffee?

There’s no single answer to these questions. Every body is different and the amount you need to drink will also depend on things like how active you are and even the weather 2 litres is a good estimate and something to aim for if you feel you might not be drinking enough. Water is a great way to prevent dehydration, but water is found in most other drinks and in most food so without even trying you will be adding up the millilitres to get to your two litre target.

One way to check if you could do with a little more fluid is to check the colour of your urine – you want to aim for a light straw colour – if it is darker, then reach for a glass of water.

When to drink

Any time, all the time. Get into the habit of drinking more water by having a glass of water when you get up and a glass of water with each meal. Don’t drink too much before activities – the last thing you want to put your body through is water sloshing around in your stomach. Do try to drink after exercise, especially if it’s warm and/or if you sweat a lot.

The benefits

Can you really feel the difference if you’re hydrated or not? I’m sure you will all have experience of feeling tired and headachy if you are a little dehydrated, but that’s not all. Dehydration can lead to aching muscles (especially after exercise), reduce performance (your muscles can’t work properly if there’s not enough water) and can take the glow out of your skin.

Take action

If you are looking for a small change to make to improve how you feel day to day, that might encourage you to move more and move more often then raise a glass and top up your water levels.



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